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Mission Statement


Salvation and Restoration Church is a ministry with a Mission to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all within our reach, extending the Love of Christ to all who we encounter collectively and individually and providing for a Faith and Worship environment where members of the community can experience the true power of the Living God to transform their lives


Philosophy & Core Values


Our overriding philosophy is that we are saving Ourselves while saving Others.  Helping Ourselves by committing to growth in our knowledge of God and devotion to God through Fellowship of like Minded Believers, Biblical Instruction and Learning and Giving of ourselves in Christian Service.  We are helping Others by Inviting them to Christian Discipleship, Sharing of ourselves to help meet the Holistic needs of Community and Families.


Our Vision


We are a ministry for

  • Generational Impact, inspiring and engaging Children and Youth, through programs, learning opportunities, events and relevant tools, such that they can develop a sound Christian Faith, that can help them navigate in this constantly changing world

  • Engaging Worship, expressed of a sincere and pure desire to acknowledge God the Father, the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit and the highest value of experiencing God’s presence in our gatherings and in our everyday lives, we will lift up the Name of the Lord with vibrant and lively worship gatherings, through song and testimony, as well as our public and private devotions

  • Learning Environment, where people of every walk of life can come to hear the abundant and relevant Truth of God’s Word to apply to their lives.  We will share the Gospel of Jesus Christ through all means and Media

  • Loving Environment, where people can find Hope, Help, Redemption, Grace and Encouragement through the loving welcome of a Christian Community and the Witness of the saving grace of the shed Blood of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins

  • Strengthening Families and Community, in providing an atmosphere that values marriages and strong families, following the plan of God for Family as set forth in the Word of God

  • Power of Prayer, as God makes clear in His Word, that He desires and designs a relationship with His people through Prayer, and that God’s power is active in the Believers life through heard and answered prayer, and that all we do as Christian Believers must be founded upon and characterized by a reliance on and commitment to both public and private prayer

  • Advancing the Kingdom Agenda, by consistently extending the invitation to Men, Women and Children to come to Christ, be part of ministry and contribute to Family and Community, promoting the Growth of Christ’s Church, fulfilling the New Testament mandate for the church

  • Transforming Community, through gathering and building resources, to meet the holistic needs of members of the community, and to extend resources to help alleviate the ravages of crime, violence and poverty that plague our community, to have some level of tangible impact on the surrounding area and wherever we can reach and establish the touch of our ministry family

Salvation & Restoration Christian

Church of God in Christ

1142 Herkimer Street

Brooklyn, New York 11233

Administrative Office: 

(718) 342-8434

Pastor's Office:

(718) 345-9555


Office Hours: 

Tuesday - Friday, 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Bishop Tyrone L. Butler
Senior Pastor
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